SEFOS can also be used as a web service
In addition to the add-ins for MS Outlook and Teams, it is also possible to use SEFOS as a separate web service. Create and send secure messages and book secure video meetings directly via SEFOS for Web.
Here you as a user also get access to all messages that you sent and received via SEFOS. See if a recipient opened a link message, the time of opening, and which verification method the message was associated with, all in one place.
You as the sender decide how sensitive your content is, i.e. what level of security should be used for your recipient to be able to open your email. Your recipient must identify themselves with the method you have chosen and thus SEFOS will be safe.
With the help of SEFOS, you can send e-mails to anyone, both in Sweden and abroad. For a recipient who is already using the service, the e-mail comes directly into the inbox, while a recipient who does not have the service receives an e-mail and is asked to retrieve the e-mail via a link. To create security for your recipient who does not subscribe to SEFOS, you as a sender can include a personal explanatory text and you can also "profile" your messages with the company logo.
With the help of SEFOS, anyone can respond encrypted, this also applies to recipients who do not use SEFOS. A true secure messaging service helps both the sender and the recipient to secure important communication. Read more at
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